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COVID-19 Staff and Visitors

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Pathway Objectives

For staff: To monitor staff for symptoms of COVID-19 and provide all necessary information and resources related to COVID-19. For visitors: To screen all visitors at the hospital for COVID-19.

Timeline: Daily for staff and all visitors

Circle of Care

Staff, Visitors, Screening Team, Employer/HR


A one-stop location for COVID-19 resources for staff (i.e., epidemiology, transmission, infection prevention and control, confirmed cases within hospital, PH recommendations and latest literature, Provincial Guidance documents, treatment, source control)

Monitors staff that pass and those that fail the screener; cleared staff are provided with the time stamp of completion and can proceed to work. Employer is notified and can track employee screener status

For visitors that fail the screener, nurse is notified, and appropriate resources are shared (Symptoms, how to be prepared for isolating, where to get tested)

Daily COVID-19 Screener for both staff and visitors

Staff who fail the screeners are instructed to remain home, self-isolate or get tested. A return-to-work date is scheduled. Any testing, self-isolation, and COVID-19 related education/information is be provided to the staff member to support knowledge transfer and adherence to COVID-19 related
processes/protocols. HR is notified.

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Care Pathways

Improving the wellbeing of your patients is our number one priority. That is why we offer a wide range of care pathways, to meet individualized health needs.

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What our customers say about us


Using the aTouchAway COPD Care Pathway, we have been able to support our patients at home with required respiratory and oxygen therapy, managing them safely and avoiding unnecessary hospital or clinic visits. aTouchAway proves to be effective in augmenting patient care while expanding team capacity and saving travel time for our organization.

Miriam Turnbull

VP & GM at ProResp

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