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Our Proven Impact

Case Studies from Aetonix®

Discover how aTouchAway® is revolutionizing patient care through our detailed case studies.


Reducing Social and Medical Isolation for Adults With Disabilities

Peel Cheshire Homes is a Supportive Housing Unit for adults with disabilities. The Brampton based assisted living facility operates 12 beds and is responsible for providing residents with a private room with a bathroom, attendant care, food preparation and other services to foster functional independency.

Explore the Impact of Our Solutions

Stay up to date on what’s happening at Aetonix.

Reducing Social and Medical Isolation for Adults With Disabilities

Providing the Gift of Communication in Critical Care Settings

Improving COPD Outcomes:
Partnerships, Quality Improvement & Virtual Care

Carefor’s COVID-19 Staff Screening
Care Pathway

Instilling Confidence in Those With Multiple Chronic Diseases

Bringing the Clinic to
Patient’s Homes

Using Virtual Care to Enhance Home Mechanical Ventilation

Ontario Hospital Simplifying Chronic COPD Management

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