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How to Increase Patient Satisfaction Levels in Canada Through Remote Patient Management

Patient satisfaction rates provide a measure of the healthcare system’s ability to meet patients’ expectations. In traditional healthcare, patients feel the biggest factors impacting their satisfaction rates are long wait times and staffing shortages. Remote patient management uses patient education and accessible communication to ultimately extend the reach of healthcare workers’ capabilities.

Looking specifically at remote patient management practices, it can be noted that the practice has a patient satisfaction rate of 91% among Canadians.

Improving Patient Care Remotely

Remote patient management leverages patient education and remote communication tools to allow providers to work with a greater volume of people. By giving patients the tools they need to take proactive care of their health, remote patient management reduces the long-term involvement on the provider’s end. 

The transition to remote patient management can take some adjustment for both patient and provider. Using the communication tools available, providers can make this process much easier for both parties. 

Communicate Effectively

When patients begin remote care, the transition may bring a level of discomfort with the new lines of communication. To mitigate these effects, the patient must be aware of how they can connect with their care team and the channels they can use to communicate.

Virtual communication skills also promote increased patient satisfaction. For example, using empathetic responses and engaging with body language can show your patient that you hear and understand their concerns. When conducting a virtual care appointment, setting an agenda at the beginning of the session ensures your patient that you will address all of their concerns.

Take your remote patient management a step further by staying in touch with them outside of scheduled appointments using telehealth messaging systems, file sharing, or resource sharing. 

Make sure your patient is aware of the lines of communication available to them and how they can contact a member of their circle should they need to.

Educate Patients & Encourage Learning

Mom and son in wheelchair on laptop

1 in 3 patients feel they’re inadequately educated on their medical care needs when they leave a hospital. As a provider, you can use resources in telemedicine platforms to educate patients on how they can take care of their individual health needs. Sending your patients articles or videos on how they can help themselves with their condition will increase their satisfaction with remote care by assuring them they have solutions at any time.

With remote patient management care, patients learn what factors influence their health and what management tools help prevent any negative impacts. When patients get a head start on preventative healthcare, they reduce the risk of needing emergency interventions later on.

Be Accessible

Many people in remote areas of Canada don’t have accessible healthcare, with some people travelling 200km to attend routine checkups. The solution is telemedicine, which allows people in remote areas to access healthcare right from their living rooms. When people can take proactive steps in their healthcare like regular checkups, the risk of emergency intervention later on decreases. 

Telemedicine is also less involved on the provider end, which frees more time to take on more patients. As patients can treat themselves independently they require even less involvement from the provider and are healthier.

Continuing to Improve Patient Satisfaction

Providers can significantly improve patient satisfaction through remote care with open lines of communication. When providers use the education resources at their disposal, patients can become more proactive with taking care of themselves. Remote patient management lets people in remote areas get easy access to healthcare, so everyone in Canada has a fair opportunity to be safer and healthier. 

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