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Pre/Post Orthopedic Hip & Knee Surgery

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Pathway Objectives

To support the safe discharge home and recovery of patients who have had knee and/or hip surgery.

Timeline: Pre-op (15 days prior to scheduled surgery) to post-op discharge (daily) until day 14

Circle of Care – Patient & Care Team

NursePhysiotherapist, OR Coordinator, Physician


Prior to scheduled surgery the patient is invited to a virtual call with the care team where the program is explained – Prehab surgical education, Pre surgery education and Post surgery monitoring based on the surgical procedure performed

Staged/timed education, questionnaires, and appointment are provided to the patient via the platform at specific intervals of the program (pre, post, and monitoring) i.e. prehab education provided at a minimum of 24hrs prior to the prehab visit, pre-op questionnaire provided ≤ 15 days of scheduled surgery

Surgery date reminders and preop instructions are sent to patient; the comprehension of instructions is assessed, and clinical intervention is provide based on assessment

Scheduled PT exercises are provided via the platform which are specific to the type of surgery – exercises are set at specified intervals i.e., PT at POD 8 of knee surgery

Post op discharge daily (a.m.) questionnaire specific to surgery is initiated when the patient is d/c home and starts the monitoring phase of the program assesses pain levels, effectiveness of pain meds, monitors pain during ADLs, provides pain management interventions/educational material i.e. Pain Management after surgery resources

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Care Pathways

Improving the wellbeing of your patients is our number one priority. That is why we offer a wide range of care pathways, to meet individualized health needs.

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What our customers say about us


Using the aTouchAway COPD Care Pathway, we have been able to support our patients at home with required respiratory and oxygen therapy, managing them safely and avoiding unnecessary hospital or clinic visits. aTouchAway proves to be effective in augmenting patient care while expanding team capacity and saving travel time for our organization.

Miriam Turnbull

VP & GM at ProResp

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