Pre/Post Orthopedic Hip & Knee Surgery

Pathway Objectives
To support the safe discharge home and recovery of patients who have had knee and/or hip surgery.
Timeline: Pre-op (15 days prior to scheduled surgery) to post-op discharge (daily) until day 14
Circle of Care – Patient & Care Team
Nurse, Physiotherapist, OR Coordinator, Physician
Prior to scheduled surgery the patient is invited to a virtual call with the care team where the program is explained – Prehab surgical education, Pre surgery education and Post surgery monitoring based on the surgical procedure performed
Staged/timed education, questionnaires, and appointment are provided to the patient via the platform at specific intervals of the program (pre, post, and monitoring) i.e. prehab education provided at a minimum of 24hrs prior to the prehab visit, pre-op questionnaire provided ≤ 15 days of scheduled surgery
Surgery date reminders and preop instructions are sent to patient; the comprehension of instructions is assessed, and clinical intervention is provide based on assessment
Scheduled PT exercises are provided via the platform which are specific to the type of surgery – exercises are set at specified intervals i.e., PT at POD 8 of knee surgery
Post op discharge daily (a.m.) questionnaire specific to surgery is initiated when the patient is d/c home and starts the monitoring phase of the program assesses pain levels, effectiveness of pain meds, monitors pain during ADLs, provides pain management interventions/educational material i.e. Pain Management after surgery resources
Care Pathways
Improving the wellbeing of your patients is our number one priority. That is why we offer a wide range of care pathways, to meet individualized health needs.
What our customers say about us
Using the aTouchAway™ COPD Care Pathway, we have been able to support our patients at home with required respiratory and oxygen therapy, managing them safely and avoiding unnecessary hospital or clinic visits. aTouchAway™ proves to be effective in augmenting patient care while expanding team capacity and saving travel time for our organization.
Miriam Turnbull
VP & GM at ProResp
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